The Regional Women's Committee is a focal point for mobilizing women members. The RWC informs, educates and empowers women within their union and their community. Check out these minutes for current activities and actions.
NOVEMBER 21, 2018 5:30 P.M.
In attendance: Michelle Lang, Dani Aubichon, Sandra Ahenakew, PSAC Rep Martha Johnson. On the phone: Janelle Whitrow
Call to Order: 5:30
Adoption of Agenda
M/S Sandra/Dani
Review and Approval of previous meeting’s Minutes
The Regional Women's Committee is a focal point for mobilizing women members. The RWC informs, educates and empowers women within their union and their community. Check out these minutes for current activities and actions.
The Regional Women's Committee is a focal point for mobilizing women members. The RWC informs, educates and empowers women within their union and their community. Check out these minutes for current activities and actions.